Using the website means accepting the following terms of the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

As a User, please familiarize yourself with its provisions. We inform you about how we take care of User Data, how we process it, who we entrust it to, and many other important issues related to personal data.


  1. This Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy specify the rules for the processing and protection of personal data provided by Users and cookies, as well as other technologies appearing on the website under the name and link:
  2. The administrator of the website and personal data provided within it is RESTart Event Sp. z o.o., located at 31-503 Kraków, ul. Lubicz 27/47, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the number KRS: 0000893538, NIP: 6783189783, REGON: 388620087, with a share capital of 5000 PLN, represented by Kacper Sebastian Stępień – Management Board.
  3. The Administrator processes personal data in accordance with the current legal regulations, especially with GDPR and the Personal Data Protection Act.
  4. The Administrator takes special care to ensure the privacy of Users and the protection of their interests, particularly by ensuring that personal data collected through the website is processed only for specified purposes and not subjected to further processing that is inconsistent with those purposes.
  5. Users’ personal data is collected and processed only based on appropriate legal grounds, and the scope of data depends on the type of service provided and is limited as much as possible.
  6. If you have any doubts regarding the provisions of this Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, please contact the Administrator via email:
  7. The Administrator reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, and each User of the website is obliged to be familiar with the current Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. The reasons for changes may include: the development of internet technology, changes in generally applicable law, or the development of the website through, for example, the use of new tools by the Administrator. The date of publication of the current Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy is at the bottom of the website.
  8. This Policy also sets out the conditions for using the services provided by the Administrator, including intermediary services, regulating the relationships between the Administrator, as the provider of intermediary services, and the Recipient of services referred to in § 11 of this Policy.
  9. Other definitions, procedures, duties, and rights arising from the Digital Services Act (DSA) are described in § 11 of this Policy and are an integral part of it.
  10. Terms used in this Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy with capital letters have the meanings assigned to them in § 2 of the Privacy Policy.


  1. Administrator – RESTart Event Sp. z o.o., located at 31-503 Kraków, ul. Lubicz 27/47, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the number KRS: 0000893538, NIP: 6783189783, REGON: 388620087, with a share capital of 5000 PLN, represented by Kacper Sebastian Stępień – Management Board.
  2. User – any entity visiting and using the website.
  3. Website – the website and blog located at
  4. Personal Data – any information about an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name and surname, identification number, location data, online identifier, or one or more specific factors defining the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of the natural person.
  5. Consent – voluntary, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of will by which the User, in the form of a statement or explicit affirmative action, consents to the processing of their Personal Data.
  6. Form or Forms – places on the Website that allow the User to enter Personal Data for specified purposes, such as contacting the User or submitting a CV.
  7. Service – a set of cooperating IT devices and software ensuring the processing, storage, transmission, and receipt of data through telecommunications networks using the appropriate terminal device for a given type of network (Internet), including the Website or its part, the Store or its part, and applications including mobile applications and other services of the Administrator, social media, and channels of the Administrator operating within those media.
  8. GDPR – means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  9. DSA – means Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on a single market for digital services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act).
  10. Personal Data Protection Act – the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1781 as amended).
  11. Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means – the Act of 18 July 2002 on providing services by electronic means (Journal of Laws 2020, item 344 as amended).
  12. Telecommunications Law – the Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws 2024, item 34 as amended).



The Administrator of the User’s personal data is RESTart Event Sp. z o.o., located at 31-503 Kraków, ul. Lubicz 27/47, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the number KRS: 0000893538, NIP: 6783189783, REGON: 388620087, with a share capital of 5000 PLN, represented by Kacper Sebastian Stępień – Management Board.

The Administrator co-manages the data with social media platform providers, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, indicated in this document, regarding the data of individuals using social media, following the Administrator’s profile on a given social media platform, and interacting with the Administrator. The co-management rules are specified below for each social media platform where the Administrator has a profile.


Providing Data is voluntary; however, not providing certain information, generally marked as mandatory on the Administrator’s pages, will result in the inability to perform a given service, achieve a specified goal, or take certain actions.

Providing Data that is not mandatory or excessive data that the Administrator does not need to process is based on the User’s decision. In such cases, processing is based on the premise contained in Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR (consent). The User consents to the processing of this data and to the anonymization of data that the Administrator does not require and does not wish to process, even if the User has provided it to the Administrator.


The User’s personal data on the Administrator’s Website may be processed for the following purposes and on the following legal bases:

No.Purpose of data processingLegal basis for processingProcessing time
 1performance of the service or execution of the concluded contract, sending an offer (e.g., advertising) at the User’s requestArticle 6(1)(b) GDPR (necessity for the conclusion and/or performance of the contract or taking actions at the request)Data is processed for the duration of the contract / time necessary to send the offer and respond to the User, and then until the expiration of the statute of limitations (2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract, depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur)
 2consideration of complaints or claims related to the contractArticle 6(1)(b) GDPR (necessity for the conclusion and/or performance of the contract) and Article 6(1)(c) GDPR (legal obligation)Data is processed for the duration of the procedure or claim, 1 year after the claim is settled, or 5 years from the end of the tax year for data stored based on tax regulations
 3establishing, pursuing, or defending against claimsArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until the basis for processing ceases, 2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract, depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur
 4telephone contact regarding the execution of the service or contractArticle 6(1)(b) GDPR (necessity for the conclusion and/or performance of the contract)Data is processed for the duration of the contract / time necessary to send the offer and respond to the User, and then until the expiration of the statute of limitations (2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract, depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur)
 5creation of registers related to GDPR and other regulationsArticle 6(1)(c) GDPR (legal obligation) and Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until the basis for processing ceases or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 6archiving to secure information that may serve to demonstrate factsArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until an objection is raised or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator, 2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract, depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur
 7analytical purposes, including the analysis of data automatically collected while using the website, such as cookies from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or Meta PixelArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until cookies are deleted from the browser by the User
 8use of cookies on the Website and its subpagesArticle 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent)Data is processed until cookies are deleted from the browser by the User
 9zarządzanie Stroną internetową i stronami Administratora na innych platformachmanaging the Website and the Administrator’s pages on other platformsData is processed until an objection is raised or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 10assessing satisfaction with the offered servicesArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until an objection is raised or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 11posting by the User of opinions about the services provided by the AdministratorArticle 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent)Data is processed until consent is withdrawn or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator, unless the consent is withdrawn earlier
 12internal administrative purposes of the Administrator related to managing contact with the UserArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until the basis for processing ceases, 2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract, depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur
 13tailoring the content displayed on the Administrator’s pages to individual needs and continuously improving the quality of services offeredArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until an objection is raised or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 14direct marketing directed to the User of products or services or recommended third partiesArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until an objection is raised or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 15managing a Facebook fanpage and interacting with Usersart. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO (prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora) i art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a RODO (zgoda)Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator) and Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent)
 16managing the profile on Instagram and interacting with UsersArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator) and Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent)Data is processed until consent is withdrawn or an objection is raised or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 17managing the profile on LinkedIn and interacting with UsersArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator) and Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent)Data is processed until consent is withdrawn or an objection is raised or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 18kierowanie reklamy w mediach społecznościowych i na stronach internetowych, typu reklam tworzonych za pomocą Menedżera reklam portalu Facebook, oraz kierowania remarketingudirecting advertising on social media and websites, such as ads created using Facebook Ads Manager, and directing remarketingData is processed until consent is withdrawn or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 19posting an opinion by the UserArticle 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent)Data is processed until consent is withdrawn or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administrator
 20conducting recruitmentFor the purpose and duration necessary to take steps required before entering into a contract – Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, and up to 6 months after the recruitment process ends.
In the case of data voluntarily provided by the candidate or excessive data – based on Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent), and Article 9(2)(a) GDPR (consent) for sensitive data provided by the candidate for future recruitments – based on expressed consent according to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.
For the period necessary to fulfill the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator, such as pursuing claims and defense against claims, marketing of own products and services (to the extent that processing is necessary for this purpose) – based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.
Until the contract is concluded or consent is withdrawn, but no longer than 6 months after the recruitment process ends. For a maximum period of 1 year (this period is counted from the end of the year in which the data was obtained) until an objection is raised.
 21creating own databases of User DataArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator)Data is processed until an objection is raised or the data becomes irrelevant to the Administratortora

Providing Data that is not mandatory or excessive data that the Administrator does not need to process is based on the User’s decision. In such cases, processing is based on the premise contained in Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent). The User consents to the processing of this data and to the anonymization of data that the Administrator does not require and does not wish to process, even if the User has provided it to the Administrator.


The Administrator provides a recruitment form on their website for Users to submit their Data in the form of a CV to participate in the recruitment process.

Submitting a CV means participating in the recruitment and implies consent to process special category data and excessive data contained in the submitted recruitment documents, also for future recruitment processes conducted by the Administrator, if the person has given consent.

The User’s personal data will be processed for the following purposes, based on the specified legal grounds:

  • For the purpose of conducting recruitment related to employment under an employment contract – based on the authority arising from Article 22(1) §1 of the Act of 26 June 1974, the Labor Code (Journal of Laws 2023, item 1465) – based on Article 6(1)(c) GDPR, and in relation to processing other data than indicated in Article 22(1) §1 of the Labor Code, i.e., data voluntarily provided by the User, contained in the CV and application documents based on the User’s consent – Article 6(1)(a) GDPR and Article 9(2)(a) GDPR – in the case of sensitive data, for the time necessary to take steps required before entering into a contract and up to 6 months after the end of the recruitment process,
  • For the purpose of conducting recruitment related to employment under a civil law contract – based on Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, i.e., processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the User is a party or to take steps at the User’s request before entering into a contract, for the time necessary to take steps required before entering into a contract and up to 6 months after the end of the recruitment process,
  • For future recruitment purposes – based on the User’s consent under Article 6(1)(a) GDPR, for a maximum period of 3 years (this period is counted from the end of the year in which the data was obtained),
  • For the purpose and period necessary to fulfill the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator, such as pursuing claims and defending against claims, marketing own products and services (to the extent that processing is necessary for this purpose) – based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

After the processing periods indicated above, personal data is permanently deleted or anonymized.

The User may withdraw their consent at any time, and the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The User also has the right to object to the processing of Data based on the legitimate interests of the Administrator. The Administrator will cease processing the User’s Data for these purposes unless they can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override the interests, rights, and freedoms of the User or the data is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Personal data processed by the Administrator under the contract with the User may also be entrusted to other entities. The Administrator may share personal data with the following recipients: entities to whom or for whom services are provided to the extent necessary and with whom they cooperate in the execution of orders, law firms, accounting offices, HR service providers, postal and courier service companies, other services providing IT system maintenance and hosting, email service providers, cloud service providers. They may also be required to disclose the User’s Data to private and public entities under the law.

Data related to the recruitment process will not be transferred to third countries.

The User has the right to access their Data, receive a copy of it, and the right to rectify, delete, restrict processing, the right to data portability, the right to object, and the right to withdraw consent at any time, which will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

The User also has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection if they believe that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of GDPR.

Providing personal data is voluntary, but providing certain Data may be necessary to achieve the processing purposes. The consequence of not providing this Data will be the inability to carry out the above-mentioned actions and the inability to participate in the recruitment process or future recruitments.

In the Administrator’s recruitment-related activities, the User’s data is not profiled.


Only the Data that the User voluntarily provides is collected and processed (except for Data automatically collected through cookies and login data, as mentioned below).

During a visit to the website, Data related to the visit is automatically collected, such as the User’s IP address, domain name, browser type, operating system type, etc. (login data). Automatically collected Data may be used to analyze User behavior on the Website, gather demographic information about Users, or personalize the website content for improvement. However, this Data is processed solely for the purposes of administering the Website, ensuring efficient hosting services, or directing marketing content and is not associated with individual User Data. More information about cookies can be found in the further sections of this Policy.

Data may also be collected for the purposes of filling out forms available on the Website, as mentioned in the subsequent parts of the Privacy Policy.

Information Society Services

The Administrator does not collect Data from children. The User should be at least 16 years old to independently consent to the processing of personal Data for the purpose of providing information society services, including marketing purposes, or obtain consent from a legal guardian (e.g., a parent) for this purpose.

If the User is under 16 years old, they should not use the Website and the service at

The Administrator is entitled to make reasonable efforts to verify whether the User meets the age requirement mentioned above, or whether a person exercising parental authority or guardianship over a User under 16 years old has given or approved consent.


The User has the following rights at any time under Articles 15-21 of the GDPR:

  1. Right of Access: The User has the right to access their Data.
  2. Right to Data Portability: The User has the right to transfer their Data.
  3. Right to Rectification: The User has the right to correct their Data.
  4. Right to Erasure: The User has the right to delete their Data if there are no grounds for its processing.
  5. Right to Restrict Processing: The User can request the restriction of processing if it has been done incorrectly or without legal basis.
  6. Right to Object: The User can object to the processing of their Data based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator.
  7. Right to Lodge a Complaint: The User can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (on the terms specified in the Data Protection Act), if they believe that the processing of their Data is not in compliance with the current legal regulations regarding Data protection.
  8. Right to Be Forgotten: The User has the right to be forgotten if further processing is not provided for by current legal regulations.

The Administrator notes that these rights are not absolute and do not apply to all processing activities of the User’s personal Data. For instance, the right to obtain a copy of the Data should not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, such as intellectual property rights and professional secrecy. For information on the limitations of the User’s rights, please refer to the GDPR.

However, the User always has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw, tel. 22 531-03-00, e-mail:, if they believe that the processing of personal data violates the GDPR or other applicable regulations concerning the processing of personal Data.

To exercise their rights, the User can contact the Administrator via e-mail at: or by mail to the Administrator’s business address if provided in this Privacy Policy, specifying the scope of their request. A response will be provided within no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the request and its justification, unless it is justified to extend this period in accordance with the GDPR.


If the User has given consent for a specific action, such consent can be withdrawn at any time, which will result in the deletion of data from the Administrator’s database and the cessation of the specified actions (in cases based on consent). The User can withdraw consent by sending a statement to the Administrator’s email address or to the business address if provided in this Privacy Policy. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing of data that was carried out based on consent before its withdrawal.

In some cases, the data may not be completely deleted and will be retained to defend against potential claims for a period compliant with the Civil Code or to fulfill legal obligations imposed on the Administrator.

Each time, the Administrator will respond to the User’s request, appropriately justifying further actions resulting from legal obligations.


User data may be transferred outside the European Union to third countries.

Since the Administrator uses external service providers such as Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (Facebook and its subsidiaries), hereinafter referred to as Meta or Facebook, User Data may be transferred to the United States of America (USA) due to their storage on American servers (in whole or in part). Based on the European Commission’s Implementing Decision of July 10, 2023, issued under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, determining an adequate level of data protection under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, Facebook has undergone a certification system and obtained a certificate confirming that it provides personal data protection at the level of the European Union. User personal data will be transferred only to recipients who guarantee the highest protection and security of Data, including:

  • Cooperation with entities processing personal data in countries for which an appropriate decision by the European Commission has been issued,
  • Application of standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission,
  • Application of binding corporate rules approved by the competent supervisory authority,
  • Or those to whom the User has consented to the transfer of personal data.

Detailed information is available in the privacy policies of each of these service providers, available on their websites. For example:

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited

Currently, services offered by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited are primarily provided by entities located within the European Union. However, it is recommended to review the privacy policies of providers to obtain up-to-date information on personal data protection.


User data will be stored by the Administrator for the duration of the individual services/achievement of the purposes indicated in the table above, and also:

  • For the period of service provision and cooperation, as well as for the period of limitation of claims in accordance with legal regulations – concerning data provided by contractors, clients, or Users.
  • For the period of discussions and negotiations preceding the conclusion of the contract or service provision – concerning data provided in an inquiry.
  • For the period required by legal regulations, including tax law – concerning personal data related to fulfilling obligations under applicable laws.
  • Until an effective objection is made based on Article 21 GDPR – concerning personal data processed based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator, including for direct marketing purposes.
  • Until the consent is withdrawn or the purpose of processing, the business purpose is achieved – concerning personal data processed based on consent. After withdrawing consent, the data may still be processed to defend against potential claims in accordance with the limitation period for these claims or the (shorter) period indicated to the User.
  • Until outdated or no longer useful – concerning personal data processed mainly for analytical, statistical purposes, the use of cookies, and administration of the Administrator’s websites.

The data retention periods indicated in years are calculated at the end of each year in which the data processing began. This aims to streamline the data processing and management process.

Detailed personal data processing periods concerning individual processing activities are included in the Administrator’s record of processing activities.


The Website may contain links to other websites. These links will open in a new browser window or in the same window. The Administrator is not responsible for the content provided by these websites. The User is obliged to review the privacy policy or terms and conditions of these websites.


The Administrator manages User Data on the fan page named RESTart Event on Facebook (hereinafter referred to as the Fanpage).

Personal data provided by the User on the Fanpage will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Fanpage, communicating with the User, interacting, directing marketing content to the User, and building the Fanpage community.

The basis for processing this data is the User’s consent and the legitimate interest of the Administrator in interacting with Users and Followers of the Fanpage. The User voluntarily decides to like/follow the Fanpage.

The rules on the Fanpage are set by the Administrator; however, the rules for being on the Facebook social network are governed by Facebook’s terms.

At any time, the User can stop following the Fanpage. In that case, the Administrator will not display any content from the Administrator related to the Fanpage to the User.

The Administrator can see the User’s personal data, such as name, surname, or general information that the User makes public on their profiles. The processing of other personal data is carried out by the Facebook social network and under the conditions set out in its terms.

User’s personal data will be processed for the duration of the Fanpage based on the consent given by liking/clicking “Follow” on the Fanpage or interacting, e.g., leaving a comment, sending a message, and for the purpose of fulfilling the Administrator’s legitimate interests, i.e., marketing own products or services or defending against claims.

User’s personal data may be shared with other data recipients, such as Facebook, cooperating advertising agencies, or other subcontractors servicing the Administrator’s Fanpage, IT service, virtual assistant, if contact occurs outside the Facebook portal.

Other User rights are described in this Privacy Policy.

Data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with Facebook’s regulations.

This data may also be profiled to better personalize the advertising offer directed to the User. However, it will not be processed in an automated way in the sense of the GDPR (negatively affecting the User’s rights and freedoms).

Facebook Privacy Policy


The Administrator manages User Data on the profile named and linked as restart.event on Instagram (hereinafter referred to as the Profile).

Personal data provided by the User on the Profile will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Profile, communicating with the User, interacting, directing marketing content to the User, and building the Profile community.

The basis for processing this data is the User’s consent and the legitimate interest of the Administrator in interacting with Users and Followers of the Profile. The User voluntarily decides to like/follow the Profile.

The rules on the Profile are set by the Administrator; however, the rules for being on the Instagram social network are governed by Instagram’s terms.

At any time, the User can stop following the Profile. In that case, the Administrator will not display any content from the Administrator related to the Profile to the User.

The Administrator can see the User’s personal data, such as name, surname, or general information that the User makes public on their profiles. The processing of other personal data is carried out by the Instagram social network and under the conditions set out in its terms.

User’s personal data will be processed for the duration of the Profile based on the consent given by liking/clicking “Follow” on the Profile or interacting, e.g., leaving a comment, sending a message, and for the purpose of fulfilling the Administrator’s legitimate interests, i.e., marketing own products or services or defending against claims.

User’s personal data may be shared with other data recipients, such as cooperating advertising agencies or other subcontractors servicing the Administrator’s Profile, IT service, virtual assistant, if contact occurs outside the Instagram portal.

Other User rights are described in this Privacy Policy.

Data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with Instagram’s regulations.

This data may also be profiled to better personalize the advertising offer directed to the User. However, it will not be processed in an automated way in the sense of the GDPR (negatively affecting the User’s rights and freedoms).

Instagram Privacy Policy


The Administrator manages User Data on the profile named and linked as RESTart Event on LinkedIn (hereinafter referred to as the Profile).

Personal data provided by the User on the Profile will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Profile, communicating with the User, interacting, directing marketing content to the User, and building the Profile community.

The basis for processing this data is the User’s consent and the legitimate interest of the Administrator in interacting with Users and Followers of the Profile. The User voluntarily decides to like/follow the Profile.

The rules on the Profile are set by the Administrator; however, the rules for being on the LinkedIn social network are governed by LinkedIn’s terms.

At any time, the User can stop following the Profile. In that case, the Administrator will not display any content from the Administrator related to the Profile to the User.

The Administrator can see the User’s personal data, such as name, surname, or general information that the User makes public on their profiles. The processing of other personal data is carried out by the LinkedIn social network and under the conditions set out in its terms.

User’s personal data will be processed for the duration of the Profile based on the consent given by liking/clicking “Follow” on the Profile or interacting, e.g., leaving a comment, sending a message, and for the purpose of fulfilling the Administrator’s legitimate interests, i.e., marketing own products or services or defending against claims.

User’s personal data may be shared with other data recipients, such as LinkedIn, cooperating advertising agencies, or other subcontractors servicing the Administrator’s Profile, IT service, virtual assistant, if contact occurs outside the LinkedIn portal.

Other User rights are described in this Privacy Policy.

Data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with LinkedIn’s regulations.

This data may also be profiled to better personalize the advertising offer directed to the User. However, it will not be processed in an automated way in the sense of the GDPR (negatively affecting the User’s rights and freedoms).

LinkedIn Privacy Policy


The User’s personal data is stored and protected with due diligence, in accordance with the Administrator’s internal procedures. The Administrator processes User information using appropriate technical and organizational measures that meet the requirements of generally applicable law, particularly the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and GDPR. These measures are primarily aimed at securing User personal data against unauthorized access.

Specifically, access to Users’ personal data is granted only to authorized individuals who are obliged to keep this data confidential or to entities entrusted with processing personal data under a separate data processing agreement.

The User should also exercise care in securing their personal data transmitted over the Internet, particularly by not disclosing their login information to third parties, using antivirus protections, and updating software regularly.


The Administrator informs that they use the services of external entities. The entities entrusted with processing personal data (such as accounting service providers) guarantee the application of appropriate measures for the protection and security of personal data required by law, particularly GDPR.

The Administrator informs the User that personal data processing is entrusted to the following entities:

  1. S.A. with its registered office at ul. Zbożowa 4, 70-653 Szczecin, NIP: 852-21-03-252, KRS: 0000431335, REGON: 811158242 – for storing personal data on the server.
  2. SEOHOST Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Obornicka 330, 60-689 Poznań, NIP: 9721323212, REGON: 520718284, KRS: 0000939910 – for domain and mail server management.
  3. Other contractors or subcontractors involved in technical, administrative support, or providing legal assistance to the Administrator and their clients, such as accounting, HR, IT, graphic design, copywriting services, debt collection companies, lawyers, etc.

Personal data may also be shared with other recipients, including government authorities, such as the tax office, for the purpose of fulfilling legal and tax obligations related to accounting and financial settlements.

Entities that process personal data, like the Administrator, ensure the maintenance of European standards for personal data protection, including standards set by legal acts and decisions of the European Commission. They also apply compliance mechanisms when transferring data outside the EEA, including standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission Decision 2021/915 of 4 June 2021 on standard contractual clauses between controllers and processors under Article 28(7) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Article 29(7) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. Here you can find the Commission Implementing Decision.


The Personal Data Administrator hereby informs that a Data Protection Officer (DPO) has not been appointed, and the Administrator independently performs the duties related to the processing of personal data.

The User acknowledges that their personal data may be transferred to authorized state authorities in connection with proceedings conducted by them, upon their request, and after meeting the conditions confirming the necessity of obtaining such Data from the Administrator.


User’s personal data will not be used for automated decision-making that affects the rights, obligations, or freedoms of the User in the sense of GDPR.

Within the Website and tracking technologies, User Data may be profiled to better personalize the company’s offers directed to the User (mainly through so-called behavioral advertising). However, this should not have any impact on the User’s legal situation, particularly on the terms of contracts they have entered into or intend to enter into. It may only help in better matching the content and targeted ads to the User’s interests. The information used is anonymous and not associated with the personal data provided by the User, e.g., in the purchase process. It results from statistical data such as gender, age, interests, approximate location, and behavior on the Website.

Every User has the right to object to profiling if it would negatively affect the User’s rights and obligations.

More about behavioral advertising here.


The Administrator uses the following types of Forms on the Website:

  1. Contact Form – This form allows sending messages to the Administrator and contacting them electronically. Personal data such as name, surname, email address, phone number, and data provided in the message content are processed by the Administrator in accordance with this Privacy Policy for the purpose of contacting the User.

After the contact with the User ends, the data may be archived, which is the Administrator’s legitimate interest. The Administrator cannot specify the exact archiving period, and thus the deletion of messages. However, the maximum period will not exceed the limitation periods for claims resulting from legal regulations.

The Administrator may entrust the processing of personal data to third parties without separate User consent (based on a data processing agreement). Data obtained from the forms cannot be transferred to third parties.


  1. The Website displays reviews from customers and/or individuals who have used the services of RESTart Event.
  2. Reviews on the Website can appear in various places and on different subpages. They may also link to external tools or services presenting customer reviews, such as Google My Business, social media, including the Facebook fanpage and the “Reviews” section. They may also be presented in different formats, such as video, PDF, written reviews with partially displayed personal data, or without any personal data.
  3. Anyone using the services has the opportunity to leave a review and thereby consents to its publication on the Website and for purposes determined by RESTart Event.
  4. The data administrator takes all efforts to ensure that the reviews presented on the Website and its subpages are reliable and come from individuals who are actual clients and have used the company’s services. Reasonable and proportionate steps are taken to verify that these reviews are from clients. This includes attempting to obtain consent for publishing reviews for marketing purposes outside the Website, disseminating selected or all reviews, or verifying whether a given review comes from a client who has used the services.
  5. RESTart Event ensures the credibility of the reviews posted on its Website. When a new review is received, the company takes steps to verify it by contacting the author via private message or phone. This direct contact allows confirmation that the review was indeed submitted by a company client. This process ensures the authenticity of all published reviews.
  6. If a review raises doubts, it will not be displayed on the Website. The person who left the review, which was not published or was removed by the Administrator, has the opportunity to contact the Administrator to explain the situation and determine the reasons.
  7. RESTart Event is not obliged to publish reviews on the Website and has the right to remove them if deemed justified. The company may also choose which reviews to publish.
  8. RESTart Event does not use bought, sponsored, or bartered reviews, nor does it post or commission others to post false reviews or recommendations, or distort reviews or recommendations to promote services on the Website.


  1. The content presented on the Website does not constitute professional advice or guidance (e.g., educational) and does not relate to specific factual situations. If the User seeks assistance in a specific matter, they should contact a qualified individual or the Administrator using the provided contact details. The Administrator is not liable for the use of content on the Website or for any actions or omissions taken based on such content.
  2. All content on the Website is the subject of copyright held by specific individuals and/or the Administrator (e.g., photos, texts, other materials, etc.). The Administrator does not consent to copying this content in whole or in part without their explicit prior consent.
  3. The Administrator hereby informs the User that any distribution of content provided by the Administrator constitutes a violation of the law and may result in civil or criminal liability. The Administrator may also seek appropriate compensation for material or immaterial damages in accordance with applicable laws.
  4. The Administrator is not responsible for the illegal use of materials available on the Website.
  5. The content posted on the Website is current as of the date of posting, unless otherwise indicated.


To use the Administrator’s website, the following are required:

  1. Internet Access: A device capable of accessing the Internet, such as a desktop computer, laptop, or other portable devices, including equipment that allows communication and completion of necessary forms within the service, e.g., a functional keyboard.
  2. An up-to-date, properly configured web browser: The browser should support cookies and be capable of viewing web pages. Examples include Microsoft Edge, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.
  3. An active and properly configured email account: The User should ensure that emails from the Service’s domain do not end up in the “spam,” “promotions,” or any other folder besides “inbox.” The Administrator has no control over this, as it depends on the settings of the User’s email account and/or their email provider.
  4. Software to read content in specific formats: Such as PDF readers, video players, or audio players (e.g., for MP3, MP4).


  1. Like most websites, the Administrator’s Website uses tracking technologies, specifically cookies, which allow for the improvement of the Website according to the needs of Users visiting it.
  2. The Website does not automatically collect any information except for the data contained in cookies.
  3. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the User’s end device, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone, when the User visits the Website.
  4. These cookies can be first-party cookies (originating directly from the Website) or third-party cookies (originating from websites other than the Website).
  5. Cookies allow for the customization of the Website’s content to meet the individual needs of the User and other visitors. They also enable the creation of statistics that show how Users interact with the Website and navigate it. This helps the Administrator improve the Website, its content, structure, and appearance.
  6. The Administrator uses the following third-party cookies on the Website:

a) Facebook Conversion Pixel and Ads via Facebook Ads (Facebook Custom Audiences) – This tool is used to manage ads on Facebook and conduct remarketing activities, which is a legitimate interest of the Administrator. The Administrator may also direct advertising content to the User through Facebook in the form of contact ads.

The Facebook Pixel tool is provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited and its affiliates. It is an analytical tool that helps measure the effectiveness of ads, shows the actions Users take on the Website, and helps reach a specific group of people (Facebook Ads, Facebook Insights). The Administrator may also direct advertising content to the User through Facebook in the form of contact ads.

The Administrator may also conduct remarketing based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (the Administrator’s legitimate interest in promoting and advertising services directed to people who have consented to receive offers or similar people, or to Users who have liked the Fanpage) by uploading email addresses into the marketing tool offered by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, known as the ads manager. Ads created by the Administrator or authorized persons are then directed to these individuals through the Administrator’s ad account, provided they are also Facebook users (have an account on the platform). These Data are deleted after the ad campaign ends. If another ad campaign is run, an updated contact list is uploaded into the tool. Detailed information about custom audiences, the rules for data hashing, and data processing can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy here and here. The Administrator recommends that each User review these policies.

The information collected using the Facebook Pixel is anonymous and does not allow for User identification. It provides general data about Users, such as location, age, gender, and interests. Facebook may combine this information with data provided by the User as part of their Facebook account and then use it according to its own policies and purposes.

The Administrator recommends familiarizing yourself with the details related to the use of the Meta (Facebook) Pixel tool and, if necessary, asking questions to the provider of this tool, as well as managing your privacy settings on Facebook. More information is available here and here. You can opt out of cookies responsible for displaying remarketing ads at any time.

By using the Website, the User consents to the installation of the specified cookie on their end device.

b) Embedded Google Analytics Code – This tool is used to analyze Website statistics. Google Analytics uses its own cookies to analyze User actions and behavior on the Website. These cookies store information, such as the referring page from which the User accessed the current website. This helps improve the Website.

This tool is used under an agreement with Google Ireland Limited and is provided by Google LLC. Activities carried out using the Google Analytics code are based on the Administrator’s legitimate interest in creating and using statistics, which subsequently enables the improvement of the Administrator’s services and the optimization of the Website.

When using the Google Analytics tool, the Administrator does not process any User Data that would enable identification.

The Administrator recommends reviewing the details related to the use of the Google Analytics tool, the option to disable the tracking code, and asking questions to the tool provider here, or reviewing the privacy policy at this link.

c) Google Search Console – To monitor and improve the performance of our website, we use Google Search Console, a tool offered by Google Inc. (“Google”). This tool provides us with data and analysis regarding our website’s presence in Google search results, enabling us to optimize and enhance the accessibility and visibility of our site online.

Google Search Console helps us understand how users find our website through Google and what queries lead them to our site. It also provides information on potential errors on the website, indexing issues, and recommendations for site optimization.

When using Google Search Console, the Administrator does not process any User Data that would enable identification.

We encourage you to review Google’s privacy policies to learn more about data processing by Google tools.

d) Social Media Plugins – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn

When the User clicks on the icon of a social media plugin, they are redirected to the external provider’s site, in this case, the owner of the specific social media platform, such as Facebook. The User then has the option to click “Like” or “Share” to like the Administrator’s fan page on Facebook or directly share its content (post, article, video, etc.).

The Administrator recommends reviewing Facebook’s privacy policy before creating an account on the platform. The Administrator has no control over the Data processed by Facebook. Once the User clicks on the social media plugin button, personal data is processed by the social media platform, such as Facebook, which becomes the data controller and decides on the purposes and scope of its processing. Cookies placed by the Facebook plugin (or other third parties) may also be applied to the User’s device upon entering the Website and then associated with data collected on Facebook. By using the Website, the User accepts this fact. The Administrator has no control over how third parties process Data in this manner.

These guidelines also apply to the following:

  1. The Administrator strongly recommends reviewing the privacy policy of each of the service providers mentioned above to understand the options for making changes and settings that protect the User’s rights.
  2. The Website uses two types of cookies: session cookies, which are deleted after closing the browser, logging out, or leaving the website, and persistent cookies, which are stored on the User’s end device, allowing the browser to be recognized on subsequent visits to the Website, for a period specified in the cookie parameters or until they are deleted by the User.
  3. In many cases, web browsing software (web browser) by default allows the storage of cookies on the User’s end device. Website Users can change cookie settings at any time. These settings can be modified, in particular, to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to inform about their placement on the User’s device each time. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of handling cookies is available in the software settings (web browser).
  4. The Administrator informs that restricting the use of cookies (disabling them or limiting their use) may affect some of the functionalities available on the Website and hinder its operation.
  5. More information about cookies is available at or in the “Help” section of the web browser menu.
  6. Within the web browser settings, the User can delete cookies originating from the Website or the online store or from the Administrator’s providers by making changes to their web browser settings at any time. The method for deleting cookies will vary depending on the web browser used by the User. Information on how to delete cookies is available in the “Help” section of the chosen web browser.
  7. Deleting cookies does not equate to the deletion of personal data obtained by the Administrator through cookies.


When first visiting the Website, the User must consent to the use of cookies or take other possible actions indicated in the notification to continue using the Website’s content. Using the Website implies consent. If the User does not wish to give such consent, they should leave the Website. The User can also change their browser settings at any time to disable or delete cookies. Necessary information on how to do this can be found in the “Help” section of the User’s browser.


  1. Using the Website involves sending requests to the server where the Website is hosted.
  2. Each request sent to the server is recorded in server logs. These logs include, among other things, the User’s IP address, the date and time of the server request, information about the web browser, and the operating system used by the User.
  3. Server logs are stored on the server and are used for administering the Website. Their content is not disclosed to anyone except those authorized to administer the server.
  4. The Administrator does not use server logs to identify the User in any way.


  1. This section of the Privacy Policy provides information about any restrictions imposed by the Administrator in connection with the use of its services, particularly concerning information provided by Service Recipients. This includes policies, procedures, measures, and tools used for content moderation, such as algorithmic decision-making and human review, as well as the internal complaint-handling system. It also covers any significant changes to the terms of service and mechanisms for reporting Illegal Content. The Administrator provides this information and the terms of service in a clear and comprehensible manner. The Administrator designs, organizes, and operates its Websites (and interfaces) in a way that does not mislead or manipulate Users, nor significantly disrupt or limit their ability to make free and informed decisions.
  2. The Administrator is an intermediary service provider as defined by the DSA, offering services such as:
    a) Hosting.
  3. The intermediary services provided by the Administrator include enabling Service Recipients to post Content on the Website, such as:
    a) Reviews and testimonials.
  4. The Administrator also provides intermediary services through its profiles on social media platforms, including Instagram (restart.event), Facebook (RESTart Event), and LinkedIn (RESTart Event), by:
    a) Allowing Users to leave comments under posted content,
    b) Adding ratings, reviews, and recommendations,
    c) Posting messages in public chats,
    d) Other forms of interaction that allow for the posting of Content available on the mentioned platforms.
  5. Definitions Used in This Section and the Terms of Service
    Administrator – As defined in §2(1) of the Privacy Policy, as well as an entrepreneur, meaning a natural or legal person, whether a public or private entity, acting— including through a person acting on their behalf or for their benefit— for purposes related to their commercial, economic, craft, or professional activities, providing the services mentioned in this section, including information society services within the Service.
    Service Recipient – A Client, User, or individual using intermediary services or other information society services provided by the Administrator, such as the Website or the Administrator’s Social Media, particularly for the purpose of seeking or sharing information.
    Content – Any information provided by the User in any form within the Service, Social Media, or other platforms and spaces owned or moderated by the Administrator, particularly within the Service or the functionalities made available to the User in these spaces.
    Illegal Content – Information that, in itself or by reference to action, is not in accordance with Union law or the law of any Member State that is compliant with Union law, regardless of the specific subject matter or nature of that law.
    Content Moderation – Actions, whether automated or not, taken by the Administrator or cooperating intermediary service providers, aimed particularly at detecting, identifying, and combating illegal content or information that does not comply with the terms of service, provided by Service Recipients. These actions include measures that affect the availability, visibility, and accessibility of such illegal content or information, such as de-ranking, demonetization, blocking access to or removing content, or affecting the ability of Service Recipients to share such information, such as closing or suspending the recipient’s account.
    Intermediary Service – Refers to one of the following information society services provided by the Administrator:
    i. Mere Conduit – A service that consists of transmitting information provided by the Service Recipient over a telecommunications network or providing access to a telecommunications network.
    ii. Caching – A service that consists of the transmission of information provided by the Service Recipient over a telecommunications network, involving automatic, intermediate, and temporary storage of that information solely for the purpose of making subsequent transmission of the information more efficient at the request of other recipients.
    iii. Hosting – A service that consists of storing information provided by the Service Recipient at their request.
    Online Platform – A hosting service that, at the request of the Service Recipient, stores and publicly disseminates information unless such an action is an insignificant or merely ancillary feature of another service, or an insignificant function of the main service, and for objective and technical reasons, it cannot be used without such another service. The inclusion of such a feature or function in another service is not a way to circumvent the application of the DSA.
    Public Dissemination – Making information available at the request of the Service Recipient who provided the information, to a potentially unlimited number of third parties.
    Social Media – Social platforms through which the Administrator creates additional communication channels with the User or the Service Recipient, either by publishing content publicly available to a wide audience or through other forms of contact with the Content Recipient, including contact related to commercial offers. This particularly applies to private or public social groups, channels on social platforms, public accounts mentioned in the Privacy Policy, such as fan pages, communication channels within these social platforms, etc.

Contact Point

6. The Administrator designates the following single contact point to enable direct communication—electronically—with the Member State authorities, the European Commission, and the Digital Services Board, via the email address: Communication may be conducted in Polish.
7. The Administrator designates the following single contact point to enable Service Recipients to directly communicate—electronically—with the Administrator via the email address: Communication may be conducted in Polish.

Illegal Content and Content Not Compliant with the Administrator’s Terms of Service

  1. The User is prohibited from posting the following Content within the Service, Online Platform, or the Administrator’s Social Media:
  • Illegal Content or Content Not Compliant with the Privacy Policy, including any content that violates applicable laws or the Administrator’s terms.
  • Content containing vulgar language, hate speech, or spam, which includes abusive or derogatory remarks towards third parties.
  • Content contrary to good morals, especially those containing offensive material, or that violates religious sentiments, personal rights of third parties, or shows disrespect in accordance with generally accepted social norms and principles of social coexistence. This includes racist, vulgar, violent, pornographic, fascist, discriminatory content, sexually explicit content, or content inappropriate for minors.
  • Content infringing on the rights of third parties, such as copyrights or intellectual property rights, or aimed at disclosing trade secrets or other confidential information.
  • Content containing links to other websites (external links), entities other than the Service, competitive websites, or online stores, unless prior consent has been obtained from the Administrator. This includes advertising, marketing links, fundraising links, or other commercial links.
  • Content promoting and advertising other websites, platforms, social media, etc., without prior consent from the Administrator.
  • Content unrelated to the Administrator’s services, activities, or the themes of the Administrator’s Service or Social Media.
  • Content containing personal or contact information, unless explicitly requested by the Administrator.
  • Duplicate Content, which has already been posted in the Service or the Administrator’s Social Media (the User must verify that the Content is not a duplicate before publishing).
  • Content of a technical nature or customer service inquiries related to the Administrator’s products or services. For such inquiries, the User should contact the Administrator using the information provided in the Privacy Policy.

Procedure for Reporting Illegal Content, Appeals Procedure, and Content Moderation

9. A User who considers certain Content to be Illegal or in violation of this Privacy Policy is entitled to report such Content to the Administrator electronically via the email address provided in the Privacy Policy. The report should include the location where the Administrator can review the Content, along with any details necessary for the consideration of the report, including the contact information of the User and any involved third parties (if possible). The User may use the Illegal Content Reporting Form, which is attached to this Privacy Policy.
10. If the User does not provide contact information when reporting Content, the Administrator will not be able to notify the User of the receipt of the report or the outcome of its review.
11. The Administrator will promptly notify the User of the receipt of the Content report.
12. The Administrator will make a decision regarding the report within 14 days of receiving it, ensuring that the decision is made in a non-arbitrary, objective manner and with due diligence. The Administrator does not use automated means for reviewing and making decisions regarding reports.
13. The Administrator will inform the User of the outcome of the decision, including the decision itself and its justification, without undue delay.
14. In the event of Illegal Content or Content that violates the Terms of Service, the Administrator may remove the Content, limit its visibility, block access to it, de-rank it, or allow it to remain on the Service. The Administrator may also suspend, terminate, or otherwise restrict monetary payments if such transactions occur on the Service, suspend or terminate the provision of services in whole or in part, or suspend or close the User’s or third party’s account. The Administrator will inform the User and any involved third parties of the decision, providing a clear and specific justification (if their contact information is available).
15. The User has the right to appeal the Administrator’s decision within 14 days of receiving the decision, providing a justification for the appeal.
16. The Administrator will review the User’s appeal within 14 days of receiving it and will communicate the decision along with a justification to the User.

Administrator’s Liability for User Content

  1. The Administrator is not responsible for User Content, particularly Illegal Content posted within the Service or Online Platform, if the User’s actions are contrary to the Privacy Policy or applicable law. The Administrator makes every effort to handle such Content in accordance with applicable law and the Privacy Policy. This includes not modifying Content in a way that affects the integrity of the information transmitted or shared, not facilitating the posting of Illegal Content, and promptly taking actions to remove or block access to such Content in accordance with the Privacy Policy, while respecting Users’ fundamental rights, including the right to freedom of expression and information. The Administrator also acts in good faith and with due diligence.

Algorithmic Decision-Making

  1. The Service does not involve algorithmic decision-making, including decisions related to User appeals.

Cooperation with Public Authorities Regarding Notifications of Illegal Content

  1. If the Administrator obtains any information that provides grounds to suspect that a crime endangering the life or safety of a person or persons has been, is being, or may be committed, the Administrator will immediately inform the relevant law enforcement or judicial authorities of the concerned Member State or Member States and provide all available information on the matter.

Providing Information to the Digital Services Coordinator

  1. The Administrator provides the Digital Services Coordinator responsible for the location of its headquarters and the European Commission, upon their request and without undue delay, with information about the average number of active monthly service recipients in the Union, calculated as an average over the previous six months, updated at the time of such a request. The Digital Services Coordinator or the Commission may request that the Administrator provide additional information regarding the calculation, including explanations and justifications concerning the data used. This information must not contain personal data.

Termination of Use of the Administrator’s Services

  1. The User has the right to terminate the use of the Administrator’s services at any time. This can be done by using the available methods of ending service use, such as unfollowing the Administrator’s Social Media or deleting Content posted by the User. The User may also contact the Administrator using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy. This provision does not affect the Administrator’s obligations and rights under other applicable laws, including the continued storage of data, including personal data, for purposes outlined in the Privacy Policy, as required by GDPR or other regulations.

Changes to the Terms of Use of the Administrator’s Services

  1. The Administrator will promptly inform the User of significant changes made to the terms of use of the Administrator’s services using appropriate means. This includes changes to the rules regarding permissible information about its services or other such changes that may directly affect the ability of Service Recipients to use the service.

Publication Date of the Privacy Policy: 14.12.2023
Last Updated: 07.08.2024


Date: …………………………….

Name/Company: …………………………….

Address: …………………………….

Email (if available): …………………………….

Phone Number (if available): …………………………….

Order Number (if applicable): …………………………….

Note: Not applicable for reports related to information associated with offenses referred to in Articles 3–7 of Directive 2011/93/EU.

Link to Content: …………………………….

[Administrator’s Details: Name, Address, Email]


I hereby report that the following has been posted on the Service located at the link: _______________:

  • Illegal Content
  • Content not in compliance with the Privacy Policy
  • Content not in compliance with the Administrator’s Terms of Service

Please check the appropriate option.

Description of the Content and Evidence of its Existence

The content posted on the Service violates the following provisions of the Privacy Policy/legal regulations: _____________ [please specify] and _____________________ [please specify any additional arguments why the indicated content is considered illegal or non-compliant with the Privacy Policy].

Additionally, as evidence of my claims, I am providing:

  • Screenshots of the content in question
  • Other: _______________________ [please specify and attach]

Details of the Offender

To the best of my knowledge, the content in question was posted by the following person:

  • Name: _________ [if available]
  • Profile Link: _________ [if available]
  • Email Address: _________ [if available]


In light of the above, I request:

  • Removal of the content from the Service
  • Limitation of visibility of the following information related to the content: _____________ [please specify]
  • By:
  • Blocking access to the content for the offender
  • De-ranking the content
  • Suspending the offender’s account
  • Closing the offender’s account
  • Suspending the service provision in whole/part [choose] for the offender by the Administrator
  • Terminating the service provision in whole/part [choose] for the offender by the Administrator
  • Suspending, terminating, or otherwise limiting monetary payments as follows: _____________________ [please specify]
  • Other: ____________________ [please specify]


I declare that I am making this report in good faith and believe that the information and allegations contained herein are correct and complete.

Date: ______________________________ Signature [if possible]: ____________________________

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